Have a kid, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.
I really really love being a familyman, and practicing the #dadops. I may one day give you the rundown on what being a Dad means to me, and the positive changes that process has brought ( or sometimes shoved ) into my life, but today is not that day.
Today, I’m gonna celebrate a creation of my 6 and a half-ish old daughter. KidOneAndOnly ( my daughter ) may have written this at school ( she’s in kindergarden ), or perhaps she wrote it at our house while I was away at work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This morning, KidOneAndOnly mentioned in passing that she had written a book. I think my wife may have had some idea of what was up. She asked KidOneAndOnly to go get the book and read it to us.
My dudes, this thing is a masterpiece of friendship, and it includes my daughter’s most favorite animal, the horse.
Setting the stage
The book may be short, but the story is pretty deep.
The Horse and Zebra Are BFFS.
Page 1
The Zebra had no friends, he was sad
Page 2 + 3
But then Horse came
Page 4 + 5
Then they met each other
Page 6 + 7
<No words, just the picture of two new friends>
Page 8 + 9
There is Horse. There is Zebra. Thank you.
The Author + Illustrator
Here she is, on the morning of the reading. We took the dog on a walk, and she was picking flowers to put into a paper cone to deliver to our good friends that live down the street.
She wanted to hang the cone on the door, ring the doorbell, and run away so that they could be surprised.
Hold on, there’s something in my eye… 😻😻